Neoficiální podpora přenosu dat do řídících systémů Sinumerik a Heidenhain pro Linux

Co je podporováno:

  • řídící systémy: Heidenhain, Sinumerik, případně další
  • operační systémy: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian a další

Jak to funguje?

  • do systému se přidá MIME typ (není vyžadováno)
  • do prohlížeče souborů přidáme „akci“ (není vyžadováno)
  • pro odesílání dat slouží program napsaný v jazyce Python 2 s využitím QT4, nebo jeho variace integrovaná do prohlížeče souborů(Nemo), kdy lze odesílat dvěma kliky, nebo jednodušší varianta bez gui (bash skript), také vyžadující pouze pravý klik > odeslat , hotovo
  • pro příjem dat slouží dvouvláknový program napsaný v jazyce Python 2 s využitím QT4


Kde to je?

  • zájemcům zašlu požadovanou variantu výměnou za pár fotek jejich stroje (nejlépe se souhlasem ke zveřejnění) a třeba krátkou historii mašiny, pokud je zajímavá, nebo nějaký ten servisní manuál, nebo nějaké poznámky k datovým přenosům 📸+📝 > 📧 = 💿

Proč to dělám?

  • proto
  • po republice je spousta strojů
  • počítače z 90’s dosluhují
  • potřeba nahradit (software pro) FreeDos a Win

TODO:  👨‍🔧

GLXgears on various OS

..Windows may look quite good in chart, but gears were choppy and had huge tearing.. Linux based systems performed smooth with no vsync.. Nouveau driver has kinda slow 3D yet..


Some time ago i did notice Cinnamon went down with its performance on my main machine.. My fav DE became slow and lazy, also Firefox felt choppy even on text pages..

So i did test Firefox’s performance in Linux MINT 17.2 Cinnamon i am using as i dont like how it works on quad core against few other distros and Windows 7 64bit as well..

Test used: Peacekeeper

Look on gamingSpitfire web game.. XFCE has +100% performance even with Nouveau driver compared to NVidia with Cinnamon.. Its time to replace the spices..
Also, the fact that windows is not on top is warming many hearts including mine..
Its even worse than i thought..
Windows has only ~50% performance of Linux in tests using strings and DOM..
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀


I like to make OS pretty in every installation, so after moving my Vaio netbook to MANJARO i copied and selected my fav cursor theme – win8.

BUT..after reboot i was quite dissapointed as i thought that Arch is rock solid base and almost bug free..LOL.. The default cursor theme appeared again either after reboot and logout, but when i moved mouse over Firefox, my selected theme appeared.. ROFL? 😀


The story of ACER Extensa 5630Z notebook

Some time ago neighbor brought me to look on his granddaughter’s „broken“ ACER Extensa 5630Z notebook. When i saw BIOS and booting i told him its not broken, only Windows is.. So i took it to fix the Win Vista on that machine. The problem was black screen after system boot, with the mouse cursor in the center of screen. Thats all it did, only thing working and able to set a window is 5x shift, giving a typo helper we sure wont ever need, no ctrl+alt+del, no nothing. I tried to fix it with many ways i found on the net, nothing. Internal logs are clear except for some irrelevant things, explorer and so on was set fine in registry, i was desperate on that.. The point is i had to fix it in place because nor neighbor, nor i have Vista install DVD and both of us wont ever download it.. The System Restore doesnt work as i expected, ending with errors. There is no way to make the Windows work except for reinstall..yeah 🙂